Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Lands!

Paranormal Mechanisms has been re-located (archived posts and all) to a new site in hopes of embracing new lands within the (meta)fortean ecology....not to mention the spoils of wordpress widgetry!!...

So, set your sites on this: Metaphortean Space

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Out of Place Artifacts

We live in active acres of signs, bridging connections, forging pathways, voyaging far. Is this not the metaphortean pursuit? Following linguist R. Jakobson, there's metonymy and metaphor, the two opposing poles of discourse. On one extreme--the literal and contiguous. The other end decidedly abstract mode of thought. "Metaphor does not conform to neat rules and does not follow rational paths," writes Raymond Gozzi, Jr in The Power of Metaphor in the Age of Electronic Media, it breaks away from literal linkage.

Phantoms of the (Metaphoric) Pole. Hard facts dematerialized into phantoms, into particles, free-floating pieces, slippery slopes. Bridged in semionautical explorations. Do the poles exist? Or are there instead previously imperceptible portals and passageways? Oceanic metaphors enveloped the early wireless world, but what lies beneath... in the depths? Strange creatures evolved to operate in otherworldly conditions. Some Hollow Earth Insiders speculate that a geological crack on the floor of Scotland's Loch Ness is a node within an elaborate network of tunnels. An exit strategy for an over-exposed pleisosaur.

There is much to be learned from subterranean activities, media archeology and neogeographic queries. The glitch, if not stylistic agendas, ushers in obsolescent status for an object oriented towards specific function. The glitch reveals the outer limits of media and technology "the world is hollow, for I have touched the sky". Beyond the glitch, access to points unknown? Is this not the metaphortean pursuit? Bring it up to Earth: Glitch as animation: out-of-place artifacts off-sprung from an implied crypto-zoetrope (another philosophical toy). Glitch as post-gremlin. An animal interstitially ambling outside of a machine's presumed range.

Speculative trajectory: timecraft-spacecraft-glitchcraft-lovecraft.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Old Crypto-Zoetropical Pursuit

Cryptozoology, the study of unknown, hidden, or mystery animals is a marginal scientific discipline operating outside of traditional zoological practice. Believing firmly in things that are not supposed to exist, cryptozoologists counter dominant ideologies with alternative theories and new taxonomic models. The Bigfoot, shuffling by in Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin’s home movie from October 20th 1967, is Cryptozoology’s most moving image.

Over the years, skeptics and believers alike have poured over the Patterson-Gimlin filmstrip in attempts to understand the hairy homonid. Experts from both camps have broken down the sequence into discrete parts in hopes of either exposing the hoax or proving the existence of Bigfoot as a living animal. From animals to animation (that other illusion)-- unknown, hidden and mysterious experiences are engaging because they activate and agitate the human capacity for wonder and curiosity

The Bigfoot experience begins and is sustained as data: rumor, report, filmic capture, reproduced images, video capture, digitized images, and so on. Communication and participation in this network is as fundamental to the cryptozoological encounter, as technology is crucial to suspend disbelief in moving image experiences. The actual living, breathing thing is an [optical] allusion. These entities are facilitated by cultural and technological apparatuses.

In deconstructing the animal’s movement, the proto-cinematic motion studies of Eadward Muybridge come to mind.

From animals to animation, movement is broken down, the wonderment surrounding both phenomena, both illusions, is halted. Returned to science, removed from fiction, a serious attempt to wrangle in the anomalous, smooth over glitches and return to business as usual.

Rather than breaking down and halting the cryptozoological pursuit, what might emerge from a breaking up? Break-up occurs in communication, a signal is interrupted by noise. Supposing there are Bigfeet in our midst, what sorts of animations exist outside of traditional practice? Animation rules screen-based technocultural experience--from computer desktops to web sites, billboards, special fx and entertainment. What remains to be seen?

What is the potential "thing that isn't supposed to exist" in terms of animation? One animator's perspective on the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin footage brings a stamp of authority regarding anomalous movement. Beyond moving images convincingly showing an anomalous animal, what about anomalous animation revealing previously imperceptible moving image art? All this and more will be approached in the upcoming events at Rererato gallery in portland and LumpWest gallery in eugene: The Crypto-Zoetropical Pursuit and other adventures into the technocultural unknown!. To be held on the 40th anniversary weekend of that most famous filmic Bigfoot's inauguration into the cultural imagination!