Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blobsquatchery in the Expanded Field

To go about catching a Blobsquatch, one must bait the creature's native habitat--the technocultural realms of the infosphere. Staged accidents concerning analog and digital imaging implemented with intent to attract the truly unknown. For the truly fantastic, it is likely necessary to turn to known Blobsquatch specialists, those who seek 'squatches' in 'blobs', or signals in noise. The electronic art of circuit-bending and other such adventures should be investigated. Theorist Svetlana Boym alludes to the promise of this sort of creative sabotage in Nostalgic Technology: Notes for an Off-Modern Manifesto, describing "broken-tech" as art's new technology. "It cheats both on technological progress and on technological obsolescence." (Boym) Broken-tech is not nihilistic but hopeful and curious, "not Luddite but ludic. It challenges the destruction with play." (Boym) I have recently started another on-line think tank, this one dedicated to field recordings and related documents: Blobsquatchery in the Expanded Field.


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